

What are runes and BRC-20 tokens?

  • Runes: Fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network, similar to ERC-20 tokens but for Bitcoin.
  • BRC-20 tokens: An older token standard on Bitcoin, likely to be replaced by runes. @LFG is an example, with a static supply of 420,420,069 tokens.

What are Mystic runes?

Mystic runes are MYSTIC•RUNE•DEX, and can be 1:1 redeemed by burning @LFG tokens. They have a fixed supply identical to @LFG.

How do I acquire @LFG tokens and Mystic runes?

Mystic Runes: are obtainable through:

  1. Buying on secondary

  2. Buying @LFG tokens & burning them here

Which site do I use to burn @LFG BRC20 tokens for runes?


Which site do I use to burn Mystic miners & Boost inscriptions?


How do I bridge @LFG tokens from Ethereum to Bitcoin?

Use the Multibit bridge to convert your @LFG ERC-20 tokens to Bitcoin. This process typically takes 3-8 hours. Bridge here

What wallet and address types should I use for BTC and BRC-20 tokens?

Use wallets that support Bitcoin Taproot, Segwit, or Legacy addresses.
Xverse, Unisat, OKX, and MagicEden all offer great web3 wallet options.

What is the deadline to upgrade @LFG into Mystic runes?

You must convert your @LFG tokens into Mystic runes by December 31, 2024.

Are you keeping the LP active for @LFG on ETH?

Yes, until December 31, 2024, when all @LFG tokens must be converted to Mystic runes.

What does burning @LFG get me right now?

For now, burning @LFG gets you a Mystic runes at at 1:1 ratio.

Can I burn from any wallet type?

Yes, but ideally you will be holding your LFG tokens on a taproot wallet address.

I burned my tokens, why can’t I see the runes yet?

Burns are verified and processed on our end every 24hrs and runes will be airdropped daily. You should receive your runes within 24hrs of your burn (if not sooner).

How many runes is my miner worth?

When you burn @LFG your miner becomes inscribed with the amount of Mystic runes it’s worth. For example, if you burn 35,000 @LFG tokens, your miner will say 35,000 on it. Later on when you turn in your miner for runes you’ll get 35,000 runes for it plus some extra runes for the points it earned while mining.

How many runes do I get for burning my miners?

Each BOOST inscription is worth 1,000 Mystic Rune Dex runes.
Each Mystic runes miner is worth the stated number of runes on the miner inscription image.

Can I still mine points after burning my miner?

No, after burning the Mystic miner, you will no longer earn points.

Do I keep my points after burning my miner?

Yes, after burning your Mystic miner, your points stop earning, but you keep that amount for the final distribution after the mining period ends.

When can I redeem my points?

After the mining period ends, mid June, we will distribute rewards to all miners based on their points earned in relation to the total points of all miners.

Can I still create a rune miner?

No, you can no longer create a miner and if you wish to purchase Mystic runes, you must purchase them direcly on secondary

What are Mystic boosts?

The Mystic boost inscriptions are both a ‘boost’ to your mining AND worth 1k Mystic runes each. Each boost multiplies your mining production at every block.

  • 1 boost = 100% boost
  • 2 boosts = 200% boost
  • … to a maximum of 10 boosts = 1000% boost
    On top of this, at the end of the mining period you will receive 1,000 Mystic runes for each boost inscription held.
Mystic Boost

Can I burn more @LFG or buy more Mystic boosts to add to my account later?

Yes, any added @LFG burned or boosts added to your wallet will immediately take effect and increase your mining ability from that point forward.

Note: the mining period ends on June 9th and then miners will be directly convertable into Mystic runes here

What are points?

Points are earned by miners every bitcoin block. Everyone is competing to mine as many points as possible, and your share of points at the end of the mining period determines how many bonus Mystic runes you get.

How do I get more points?

You can earn more points by burning more @LFG or buying a Mystic Runes BOOST inscription. BOOSTs increase your mining power by 100%. For example, holding 2 boosts increases your points per block by 200%, or a 3x multiplier. You can hold up to a total of 10 BOOSTs.

How do points translate into runes?

20 million Mystic runes will be distributed to all miners depending on how many points they’ve earned. For example, if you own 10% of all points, you’ll get 2 million Mystic runes.

When will mining end?

Mining will end around mid June. Points will be tallied up and runes airdropped to users around that time.

Who got the Mystic rune boost airdrop?

A list of partner collections can be found at this tweet: https://twitter.com/lfg/status/1776619342790004745

Is Xverse Ledger supported?

No, unfortunately the burn site currently does not support Ledger.

How do I inscribe transfer on OKX mobile?


My points are not adding up or I am experiencing other errors

Disconnect your wallet, hard refresh the site, and reconnect the correct wallet.

What are common issues during the burning process?

  • Insufficient BTC/utxos: Ensure your wallet has enough BTC to cover transaction fees.
  • High transaction costs: Check current fee rates or adjust your wallet's BTC management.
  • Dust Limit: The dust limit error is often due to utxo sizes. Send your @LFG to your own address with a custom sat amount of 546 bytes amount. See the image below.

How do I resolve transaction errors?

Disconnect your wallet, perform a hard refresh of the site, and reconnect. If issues persist, seek support via our Discord or Telegram.